Sqlpro for mysql user management
Sqlpro for mysql user management

After about a year of selling the product, I left my job to become and indipendent developer. SQLPro for MySQL shows good potential managing and editing MySQL databases because it bundles powerful features and a very user-friendly interface.' Specs. I started developing SQLPro as a tool I could use for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server databases without the need to Remote Desktop into a Windows OS to use the SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) tool. SQLPro Studio is the premium database management tool for Postgres, MySQL, Microsoft Management Studio and Oracle databases. Manage & Edit MySQL Databases in One Place with Syntax Highlighting, Auto Completion, & More. While working for the company, I personally owned (and prefered) a MacBook. SQLPro was started as a side project while I worked for a company developing products for Microsoft Windows.

  • Cross platform (macOS, iOS and Windows).
  • #Sqlpro for mysql user management full#

    Full dark mode & light mode support, along with custom themes.Improved query error detection (errors in queries will be underlined red).CREATE USER 'username''localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' 1. Execute the following command to create a new user: ADVERTISEMENT. Connect to your MySQL database using a MySQL client such as MySQL Workbench or the MySQL command-line tool. The ability to run multiple queries at one time To create a new user with limited permissions, follow these steps: ADVERTISEMENT.Syntax highlighting & Autocomplete (sometimes called intellisense).SQLPro includes all of the basic features someone working with databases would expect, along with many advances features that place SQLPro ahead of the competition. It allows users to connect to multiple databases platforms including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and SQLite.

    sqlpro for mysql user management sqlpro for mysql user management

    SQLPro Studio is a multi-platform database client.

    Sqlpro for mysql user management